Sunday, July 5, 2020

Teachers Matter in Every Child's Life

Photo Source: Google Images

The journey of learning, begins with a teacher, is meaningful through their words of wisdom and the best foundation,
A foundation, where every fear in our subconscious mind is removed through their distinct quality of love and empathy,
Empathy that is embellished in the fine art of recognizing the best in each pupil's talent hub,
Talent that is guided to attain perfection through years of dedicated practice and faith,
Faith of every child as they epitomize their teachers as their true guide, friend and mentor,
A mentor who has a gifted heart that is impartial, forever loving and always positive,
Positive about delivering the right knowledge through their excellent subject matter expertise that is upgraded with time,
Time that teachers make the fullest use of with proper planning and implementation,
Implementation of new ways of teachers makes them unleash their own creativity,
Creativity in their profession that comes to them naturally and effortlessly as they are the warriors
 who only win,
Win because every child's process is their personal responsibility and they invest the precious hours in giving the best shine to every diamond,
Diamonds that stand unique and united as they are processed and chiseled to radiate the best shine,
A shine that is bestowed by the supreme powerhouse of education who ignite the seed of knowledge through ancient wisdom, resilience during present times and humanitarian virtues to flourish
for the lifetime,
A lifetime that seems not enough to thank every teacher for their altruist ways to deliver the best version of a child, thus being rightly respected and loved, next to the parent,
Parents do everything to see their child happy while teachers identify the right string of a child's ability to help them realize the to strike the right chord with the best qualities to lead a happy life.

I am thankful to every teacher in my life who have helped me in every way, to become the best version of me in everything I choose to do.

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