Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Tata Way of Colonization

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I feel blessed to be born in an era where neighbors had a special place in our lives.

No matter where to we shifted our place of reside within the colony,

We got introduced, to new faces, new cultures and definitely a new language to learn,

The benefit of living in a mixed community had its perks as some become extended families for lifelong,

Where love and compassion was showered in abundance with the assurance to stand for one another in times of need,

Trust was the most popular human quality that never stood for trial,

Respect in words and honesty in deeds was the way of life by anyone for all age groups,

There was not a blink of apprehension while seeking help for anything, be it cash, commodity or counsel at any hour,

Because there was prompt solution available with a smile to help us best,

Festivals all year round was celebrated with equal excitement above the political lines of North or South Indian,

A neighborhood like that was truly a paradise where we learned virtues of humanity, selfless acts of kindness and unconditional love for others.

Times have perhaps changed and sadly the newage boxed lifestyle debars people from crossing their line of privacy or welcome neighbors with smile.

Even more now, the need for social distancing in lieu of containment seems to have masked any faint interaction to self-sustainment,

I am glad that as a lucky millennial I practice the qualities as a good neighbor with mutual understanding, in any city, I have travelled over the years,

I thank the one of the largest conglomerate in the world, the Tatas, for gifting us a perfect paradise colony flourishing the trend of friendly neighborhood committed to well-being of all.

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