Time flies so swiftly. Another year in my life has gone by.
A quick anamnesis should be an ideal farewell as I welcome another year with a
When you are left alone in the battlefield one fine morning
where even your shadow disappears and the support forces offer prayers for your
victory and well-being, it was the same for me. A hope that was to weave new
dreams was shattered and the companionship was being distanced for a better
cause. A battle where there was no enemy but a rugged road and uncertain
destination. I had no choice but to pick up that was available. The journey was
not a smooth one but then as I have completed 365 days, I definitely understand
the meaning of life better and emerge a wiser human.
Celebrate Life |
1. At
times when we truly put our head and heart into achieving a goal, destiny may
change things against our will, right when we at our zenith of accomplishing
that dream. It takes some time foe us to realize that it was something meant
for the good, or a blessing in disguise that we thought was unjust and wrong.
2. Experience
and knowledge is always appreciated as long as you obey those who have the
power and wish to say the last word in anything. Appreciate that your talent is
treasured but we want it that way. Two ways to survive – be a good listener
that an orator. You save your energy and gain appraisal.
3. Good
support system is always a blessing. Family, no matter how far they are, you
can always feel their warmth and love. You do miss seeing them often due to
commitments in life, but their prayers always help you in life.
4. Friends
add a magic. Life is like a flowing river and friends are like the streams that
join you while you meander through different ridges and terrains. Some of them
stay close and help you cross the obstacles on your journey of life easily.
Some are busy yet they remember to wish you once a while for a smile.
5. At
times life gives magical surprises. You perchance get acquainted with
like-minded souls who seem so much familiar in faith and deeds. The little
surprises and the happy notes that we share with for them is truly genuine and
unconditional. It is perhaps when God wishes to pass a message, he says it through
messengers. You meet many friends often but you treasure good friends lifelong.
6. Angel
friends especially who cross a couple of decades are your soul. They will be
there no matter what. Even when technology and smiley rules, it is always nice
to hear the voice of your good friends and this cannot be replaced by any
innovation or social media. Make a call and they would be there. Not much
thought required and no excuses too.
7. People
who can make others happy feel relaxed and content. You should try it more
often and it can be anything simple too. Anything from your heart will be
appreciated and will win many smiles. After all people want a little bit of
care and love that is all. Rest is the karma of life that makes us all running
behind money and fame.
8. You
will be so much encircled by the social issues around you. It is only when you
look at the world around and the atrocities happening everywhere in the name of
humanity, that you will start counting on your most prized possession- “Freedom”.
9. Every
human is gifted with intelligence and you should use it for good deeds and
well-being of the society, promote unity in thought, and respect each other’s
religion for the righteous actions.
10. Love
is a universal power. It is boundless and can help you win a battle without a
fight. All that is required is patience, empathy and the human connect.
Aggression is needed only when things fall apart from the path of peace and
These are the major things I observed and am
glad I have lot of reasons to smile, a lot many things to accomplish, a family
that believes in happiness and love, a treasure of good special friends to
cherish in this life. God has His ways to connect so many people, near or far.
Technology helps them connected today every second. Celebrating life for every
episode that comes by with a smile!