Monday, March 21, 2022

Day 18 - Be a Risk Taker : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .


When life gives you lemons, and the obvious suggestion says, you focus making lemonade. The idea is to instill the thoughts around looking at the positive side of life and exercise optimism, come what may. There comes a point in time when certain challenges are not meant to signal you to go on and make lemonades, rather you need to understand whether it is the right time to do so. The lemons can be used for a long term purpose such as pickles too.

While the fact of this virtue is that one is clearly able to measure the pros and cons while making a decision, which would at times mean risking it all at the moment.

The greatest risk takers are those who try to make the most of their low times in life with a faith in their path chosen, even when the road seems rugged to all. Eventually while moving along this route, they learn new things and get a new perception about life. They might not be part of the bigger picture of recognition yet they are blending the best virtues within and focusing on inner engineering. They know that lemons when used efficiently will help them look at the myriads of opportunities ahead of them than just lemonade.

Risk takers believe in their gut feeling and never jitters from the solution chosen to confront a situation with focus on their courage and patience to allow the best.

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