Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Day 19 - Be Forgiving : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .

Let go the mistake, take it not as personal. Learn and grow wiser because it teaches each one to elevate their thoughts and create beautiful spaces in the future.
Few years back, there was a workshop as part of my spiritual journey. One of the exercise was to practice forgiveness every morning for certain number of days, consistently. Even though I have read extensively on psychology and scientific reasoning behind spiritual practices, much to my surprise, this was a new experience all together.

To forgive as easy it may seem, at times, the pain or the scar of the impact created by someone's mistake to people around might be deep seated. Forgiveness is a very pure virtue that has been preached by noble kings and the monks. It would come naturally, as it may seem to us. But when we set on our own journey, it shows up characters, who probably do not have existence in our lives in the present day at all, yet the forgiveness routine liberates us from all negative ties to make way for peace. This is very essential because at times mistakes are not intentional yet they cannot be left unattended or taken as granted.

The art of forgiveness leads to graceful culmination of any damage done, whether quantitative or emotional to liberate completely. The learnings from any mistake big or small, helps the doer be mindful and never to repeat the same. While mistakes are quite human, forgiveness adds a new meaning to perceive situations and people the right way. It is about accepting and reviewing the cause and effect, with light and might.

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