Thursday, March 31, 2022

Day 21 - Be Prudent - 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .

As I walk on to complete my journey of life's best virtues, one of the most valuable ones is prudence.

When we use our diligence with the right measure of knowledge, research and experience, knowing what is absolutely right in a given situation in our daily life and make the good choice for the benefit of all.
In corporates, the mark of a good leader or manager can be seen through their strength of prudence that reflects in the overall performance of the team. People who are prudent are not just listeners, they are doers who make things happen giving value to others opinions.

In life, we come across so many situations, this is when the quality of prudence comes into practice. When we are aligned with a lot of cardinal virtues of life such as being just, knowledgeful, kind, selfless, willing to change and many more, we can be calm and diligent while making a decision. This may not necessarily be what the world perceives as right, but then this would be the best because everyone has a unique journey and purpose. Prudence comes with ease for mentors and leaders as they know how best to tap at the right talent to resolve a in situation. It comes with wisdom and practice.

🌹🌼Wish you the best in leading a virtuous life leading to a rainbow of wonderful experiences and most cherished relationships for life. After all virtues keep us all divinely connected for a reason. Let that be worthwhile.🌼🌹


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Day 20 - Be Willing : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .


Why do you have to set limitations, when you have the universe out there opening up a magnificent world of opportunities? All you have to do is to be willing to embrace life as it happens and have a strong intent to take the step forward, in order to bring a positive change in your life.

Robin Sharma quotes, ' Change is hard at first,messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.' One cannot agree more because the process begins with the powerful thought of willingness.

The virtue calls for taking responsibility of any choice that you make and taking charge of the process of self transformation as a director and actor. The journey of accepting change and being open to a new way of life, with courage, actually leads to doors leading to infinite opportunities.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Day 19 - Be Forgiving : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .

Let go the mistake, take it not as personal. Learn and grow wiser because it teaches each one to elevate their thoughts and create beautiful spaces in the future.
Few years back, there was a workshop as part of my spiritual journey. One of the exercise was to practice forgiveness every morning for certain number of days, consistently. Even though I have read extensively on psychology and scientific reasoning behind spiritual practices, much to my surprise, this was a new experience all together.

To forgive as easy it may seem, at times, the pain or the scar of the impact created by someone's mistake to people around might be deep seated. Forgiveness is a very pure virtue that has been preached by noble kings and the monks. It would come naturally, as it may seem to us. But when we set on our own journey, it shows up characters, who probably do not have existence in our lives in the present day at all, yet the forgiveness routine liberates us from all negative ties to make way for peace. This is very essential because at times mistakes are not intentional yet they cannot be left unattended or taken as granted.

The art of forgiveness leads to graceful culmination of any damage done, whether quantitative or emotional to liberate completely. The learnings from any mistake big or small, helps the doer be mindful and never to repeat the same. While mistakes are quite human, forgiveness adds a new meaning to perceive situations and people the right way. It is about accepting and reviewing the cause and effect, with light and might.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Day 18 - Be a Risk Taker : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .


When life gives you lemons, and the obvious suggestion says, you focus making lemonade. The idea is to instill the thoughts around looking at the positive side of life and exercise optimism, come what may. There comes a point in time when certain challenges are not meant to signal you to go on and make lemonades, rather you need to understand whether it is the right time to do so. The lemons can be used for a long term purpose such as pickles too.

While the fact of this virtue is that one is clearly able to measure the pros and cons while making a decision, which would at times mean risking it all at the moment.

The greatest risk takers are those who try to make the most of their low times in life with a faith in their path chosen, even when the road seems rugged to all. Eventually while moving along this route, they learn new things and get a new perception about life. They might not be part of the bigger picture of recognition yet they are blending the best virtues within and focusing on inner engineering. They know that lemons when used efficiently will help them look at the myriads of opportunities ahead of them than just lemonade.

Risk takers believe in their gut feeling and never jitters from the solution chosen to confront a situation with focus on their courage and patience to allow the best.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Day 17 - Be Patient : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .

There is a famous saying in most Indian households, that the fruit of patience is always sweet. We have all grown up hearing this from our elders, teachers or anyone who really wanted us to understand the importance of this virtue.

The art of patience does not come easily to all. This can be acquired with mindfulness and from one's own experience. There are few things to be kept in mind in order to get the benefit of this virtue in every walk of life.
1. Good things take time, and they come at the perfect time as a blessing to those who wait.
2. There are no short cuts in life. When you want to manifest something really worthwhile, trust the progress even if it is slow.
3. Patience cannot be replaced with any quick mantra. Instant gratification may be applicable for certain things that are based on needs but not for life goals.
4. When patience is the only way out, meditation and mindfulness practice helps to stay calm and focused.
5. Patience is what the ancient monks and saints had in abundance which helped them with other virtues of peace, happiness, kindness and compassion.

While you prepare yourself for the next big, remember to be light and believe in the best with all might. Patience keeps you grounded all along this process of wait, with a great sense of achievement in the end with perseverance.

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Day 16 - Be Knowledgeable : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .


It is said that those who read a lot carry a treasure trove of knowledge in most aspects of life. Scholars and researchers are those who dedicate their live diving in the ocean of knowledge in a topic that they are inclined to, the most.

Successful businessmen have a very good routine wherein they balance their finance and knowledge bank efficiently. I have been blessed to interact with humans who have different lifestyles and professions, they belong to different age group too, the connecting chord with each one has been a powerful experience of knowledge transfer.

The concept of being aligned becomes imperative because then the giver is happy to share as much as the receiver is glad to learn something.
Knowledge is like rowing a ferry like a sailor, wherever you en route to, there is a learning or an experience. It's so wonderful isn't it while we do not know what is it that we tap on the very next moment in life.
Knowledge is the biggest virtue in the universe and there is no dearth of it as much. It is out there in abundance. There is something for every soul to understand, apply to help move on in life as a winner. The ancient kings, queens and warriors inherited it as part of their upbringing or guidance under an able scholar, the knowledge then was pure and profound. Later on, these were documented in scriptures, books and recordings. Technological innovations have made it so easy to explore on things and get information, those which took time for knowledge seekers during ancient times.

Right knowledge through right decipher, stays deep and brings a big change in the world. There's a saying, so much can happen over a cup of coffee, flip the pages and share thoughts that matter to bring a radiant ripple of idea exchange.
Being knowledgeful and humble is what makes a person's aura very powerful!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Day 15 : Be Responsible : 21 Days. 21 Virtues for Life .


The word is so commonly used and almost any human who has graduated from the childhood phase, comes to here this virtue being showered generously, on various instances.

The virtue comes with a deep sense of understanding and from one's own experience. Each soul is responsible for his/her thought, word and action. So one has to diligent while carrying out different roles in the family, in the corporate and in the society.

A student has to learn and gain knowledge which will in turn shape his career. They are responsible for the choice of studies.
While working the hands of responsibilities multiply and one has to be responsible for oneself and also for others, in some way or the other. Responsibility here means ensuring that you be of value to others in growing in their career, while you shape yours.

Family and relationships need a different level of responsibility because of the seed of expectation and the maintenance parameters. This is an unconditional bond of love and care so responsibility cannot ever be quantified. The quality and purity is what matters.

Then comes the bigger picture of social responsibility, apart from abiding by the rules of the government and giving a share for the development, there is a sense of freedom that we all enjoy residing in India or in the most liberal and well being society. Being responsible comes with blending many humanist attributes of peace, harmony, equality and prosperity.

With awareness comes responsibility and choice. To make our world and the world around a better place, is our responsibility. When we focus on right thoughts, we are lead to taking right actions. When we take the right actions, we see the best results. So let's be responsible in a positive way by focusing on the right things in life always.

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